Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wonders of Wednesday

Normally, my Wednesday's aren't that exciting since I've usually just been in school. Since I've gotten home from college, I didn't expect to get a job right away. I applied to a few gyms to teach fitness classes and I have an interested manager but it is moving a little slow. I've nannied over the summer and had a account that I never deleted so I decided look to see if there were any jobs available. I immediately received positive responses from families just 5 miles away so that was awesome! I was asked by one family (who seemed to be the perfect fit for me) to come over to do a trial run tonight and meet the kids. I was told that it would be a hit or miss because they were talking to other nannies as well. I was really nervous because I really wanted this job. I went in and just acted like myself because why act like someone else? Each and every person on this planet is special :) I was sweating hardcore but at the same time I felt pretty good about things before I left. I hope they felt the same way about me. I'm excited because I get to come back tomorrow and layout a schedule!
When I left and said my goodbyes to the kids I was walking to my car. I got a text that set me a little off because it was one of those texts that punches you in the heart. It brought me into a deep sadness and I was totally depressed when I came home. I shared it with my mom and she was wondering why I was giving this person so much power. She also was asking why it's getting to me and ruining the big accomplishment I just received. I was pissed that it was making me forget what just happened, I GOT A GREAT JOB! It's hard to move on from something bad in your day, I don't know if that's just me or... But I tend to have really good things happen in my day and then one little tiny thing happens and BOOM explosion.
Sometimes I wish we didn't have feelings because that often gets in the way, but we aren't robots and that wouldn't be fun. I figured out that even though it'll be hard to remind myself, I just have to tell myself that there will be people out there that try and bring you down. If they bring you down then they win, if you don't allow them to affect you and brush it off, then they don't have the power. Right now I'm reminding myself of all the accomplishments I have made throughout my day. I'm going to start writing out a list before I go to bed each night, writing down the good things about my day and accomplishments big or small. Whether that's getting my nails done, showering, walking the dog, etc. I'm going to end my day on a good note, you should try it too!

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