Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Emotions; Friends or Foes?

Whether coping with a mental/emotional disorder or not everyone can use a little guidance with their emotions, including me. By writing these blog posts it is a helpful tool for me to move forward in a positive direction with my life. If you struggle immensely with your emotions don't think it's because you're weird or crazy, you're body's just thrown off the tracks right now, but you can find your way back on that path. Just like if you were performing a dance on the stage and you fell down, you always get right back up. That might've been a not so good performance but the next time will always be a step up from your last. So the next time you have a bad moment in your day or react in a way that sets you off balance.. recuperate, and take a step back, assess the situation, and remind yourself it was only a little bump in your path. There will always be bumps along your road, there might be bigger ones than others but remember there is always a finishing line. Just like runners, there will always be a faster runner than you in the race, the goal is not to get there first but the quality on how you run the race. Will you go too fast and trip and fall? Or will you act too cautious and finish too slow? Or will you run the race the best that you can without fearing that the other will pass you? Will you keep running to feel the sensation when you finish that line? Will you win for yourself?

Life may feel like a race sometimes, but in reality the idea is to get wherever you're heading at the pace that works best for you. How this ties in with working with your emotions is some may not struggle with the same thing as you, some may say "why are you so sensitive?" I can't tell you how many times I've heard that about myself. You do not need to have a mental health disorder to struggle with emotions. Life is unpredictable and will throw curveballs, emotions are thrown off by taking on a lot of stress. The body's way to deal with that stress is through face-to-face contact with another person, to reboot the nervous system so to speak. This is why reaching out to a trusted psychologist is a good start to a healthy life or someone you simply trust. 

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