Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Carving Your Path Regardless of Others

Do you remember when you were young and had a mind full of dreams and aspirations? Either you dreamed of being a singer, ballerina, or professional athlete? I always have remembered my dreams, and sometimes my dreams never go away and it bugs me when things or people get in the way of me achieving these dreams. First things first, don't let your friends, parents, teachers, or even significant others influence what YOU choose to do in your life.
Growing up, in school I felt extremely self conscious the older I got. I often let other people/opinions affect the choices and dreams I had. Especially since I grew up not understanding social cues and material in the classroom due to ADD, I often was called stupid; even from my teachers. Year after year I was bullied and teased to the extent that I actually started to believe that I wasn't smart, that something was wrong with me. The one thing that hasn't stopped within me is my dreams, they grow and grow everyday. I always wake up with lists and lists of everything I want to do in my head, it's not the norm and my parents hate it at times...but I cannot stop when I want something. I'm so consumed and obsessed with getting where I want to be NOW. In some ways this is a positive trait for me but in others its extremely negative and can often cause me to go into a deep depression if I don't get there. For instance, I have always dreamed of becoming a singer or actress on a show etc. my parents from day one didn't think it was a good idea because it wasn't a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to become a model in middle school and my parents did not agree because they said that modeling often causes eating disorders. The funny thing is, if my parents or other people who have downgraded my thoughts/dreams were in my head, they would understand that I'm not like them. They're categorizing other peoples' behavior and basing it on me, saying I'll fall in the footsteps of 'those' certain individuals. Yes, it is true that some people who are famous have spiraled and gone down a dark path, but there are others that have chosen to do something good, like starting a charity or spreading awareness due to their fame. I feel like I could've at least given these ideas a chance, except when I was younger my parents influence on me was extremely strong.
Now that I am technically a young adult I thought I would at least get to make my own decisions and be able to spend my own money. Sometimes that isn't the case, it sucks because I want to try and achieve some things that seem out of reach but at the same time if I fail that'll be on me. I'm okay with failing as long as it was my decision in the first place, if someone tells me no before I even make a decision that just makes it ten times harder to deal with the consequences and I want to pursue that idea even more.
Just a reminder, even though your family may or may not have a big influence on you, follow your dreams. If you don't and you listen to everyone else's thoughts/opinions you will be living a life full of regret. Sometimes you have to take the initiative yourself and make a decision that might hurt others you love but in the process you might find yourself. You might discover what you truly love and enjoy doing. Whether you believe in God or not, we were all given a mind and a soul in our bodies. Our minds will think things that other people don't always agree on, it's your choice to listen to your thoughts and act on them or have someone else crush them. This world is big enough for your dreams, keep pushing even if others are pushing back. You don't have to be pulled down by negativity, have it build you up!

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