Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Inner Voice: My Worst Critic

There are many thoughts that go through my mind on a daily basis. Some of those thoughts are good but more than half are belittling and paralyzing. I often talk about these thoughts with my counselor and she tells me to try and shut them up. Sometimes it doesn't always work, I know everyone feels this at times of weakness but the thoughts I often hear are "you can't do this," "you knew nobody would think you had it in you," or "that could've been ten times better."However, to shut those little annoying voices up you know what you say? "I know I could've done it better, but it was the best I could do at the time." There is always something 'we' can do better in our lives but we are only human and WE MAKE MISTAKES! It's what humans do :) so the next time you hear that annoying voice tell it to shut up or to get out! You run this ship (your mind) and even though that voice seems like it is in charge you are the captain. 
The picture above is something I drew with charcoal. I love using charcoal to express what is truly yours that comes deep within your soul. I use hard lines and shading when I feel it hurts the most. 
Going back to what was previously said, you are in charge of your mind. Sometimes I feel like if I heard someone tell me those exact words I would laugh, the control that I have over my mind feels minimal during times of struggle. When those thoughts start pouring into my head I tend to revert to my natural habitat... drawing. Two years ago I started taking an Art 101 class and found myself really getting into the painting side of things. I loved the feeling when you mix the paints into a beautiful color. By taking multiple colors that don't even seem like they go together and making one unique and pristine one. My teacher used to tell me that the minute I put brush to the page I turned silent, she noticed a change in my behavior after the class versus before. I would always come in feeling agitated right when school started, when I left she said it was like I walked right out of a massage. It took me awhile to realize that art is what I needed when I let my thoughts get the best of me. Sometimes it takes people forever, but remember everyone is on their own journey! 

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