Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Breathe, Observe, and Collect; The Tranquil Trio

We all struggle with something during our day that sets us off balance, but we all have to find a way to bounce back. Sometimes with having a disorder "bouncing back" may not be as easy as its cracked up to be. Learning some coping strategies has always helped me out in the long run. Last year I had a terrifying experience where I was bullied online and I was away at school and I ended up having a panic attack. It was so bad that my mom had to come get me, we thought it went away but in the car my throat started to close up and I was hyperventilating for close to an hour. 
"You are not a burden"
My mom was scared to death and so was I. I've never experienced such a traumatic experience where I could not breathe. My mom and dad watched as they rushed me into the hospital, they hooked up a heart monitor and watched me as I tried to control my breathing. The doctor had told me that the reason why I was so worked up was because of the triggering of traumatic events from my past. When someone bullied me online last year it brought up terrible experiences of being bullied throughout my whole school experience, especially in high school. 
The doctors came into teach me some breathing exercises to help your body stay grounded and to not let the anxiety take ahold of you. I thought it was stupid at first but then I realized that it started to work. It reminded me that I am alive and I'm standing on the earth I was created to be on. So is everyone else that was created to be on this earth. Sometimes I feel like everyone misses the point that we are all special in our own way. We were created to be different, why give everyone the same talent, just so one can perform it better than the other? No, everyone has their own unique style/persona about them that makes them special, that is why you should tell yourself that you are special every single day. YOU ARE MEANT TO BE HERE :)


  1. Amanda, great post and let me just comment that those doctors teaching you a breathing technique knew what they were doing. In the last 3 years, I have been developing my yoga and meditation practice, with the guidance of very good teachers and I must admit that there is absolutely benefit to how you breathe. There are many breathing techniques and patterns that have been proven to help with anxiety, along with improving health, circulation, and so many other things. I may have scoffed at this concept in my youth, but am now open to learning and to the possibilities that exist. Follow your path young lady and know that you have many people in your life who love you very much.

    1. Thank you so much! I absolutely agree with you about yoga and meditation and that's also where I learned some of my calming mechanisms! Thanks for sharing :)
