Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hello There Wilting Flower...

 Even though I’ve spent some time away from my keyboard for a while, doesn’t mean I’ve stopped moving forward positively in my life. I have met someone recently who brings out the absolute best in me and I cannot say or show how incredibly happy I’ve been. The reason he is absolutely amazing is because he talks to me about my past and how dwelling on the past struggles does nothing for your future. He told me “if you do nothing but stay in the past, that’s all you will ever do.” I am told I am stronger than I ever was because of all the progress I’ve made and the tools I have learned for the future. Just because I’m with someone doesn’t make me happy, it also doesn’t make what I go through on a day to day basis 'easier,' but it does help me move forward knowing I have one more person on my team.
            Whenever a flower starts to wilt, it isn’t too late. There is still time to save it, by giving it extra love and care. I remember a science experiment I completed in school; we had 3 seeds of the same flower. The first seed will be watered/taken care of the same way as the other 2 except we had to say negative words daily. The 2nd seed was our controlled.
We watered and took care of it the same but we didn’t say anything to it. Lastly, the 3rd seed was watered and taken care of the same as the other 2, and we told the seed positive messages daily. Believe it or not, the seed that grew into the healthiest and strongest of them all was the last one; the flower that started off as a seed and grew and grew from positive encouragement. This experiment stuck with me because words do have a huge impact on people and especially living things in general like flowers!
Each and every one of us has gone through a struggle that we think nobody knows. Truth is, I went through hell and I always said “you don’t even know how hard it is.” One day... my boyfriend said to me “no, I don’t... but I know how it feels to feel angry at the world because of the struggle you went through.” It’s true, not every being on this earth will know the past you’ve dealt with and the thoughts that haunt you to this day, but that extreme hurt or sadness is in the PAST now. My boyfriend told me “nothing will be as bad as that day that hurt you the most. Moving on from that hurt should be the only thing you do. If you keep going back to that moment in your life how will you find the strength to move on?”
Not everyone is bad in the world and there is bound to be a person that has gone through something similar as you.

The reason I chose the title of a wilting flower is because it resembles the idea of healing and strengthening. When I was at my lowest point my family and close friends told me I wasn’t alone and that they were holding my hand throughout this journey. To be honest, I have felt alone at times because I feel as if nobody will understand what is going on inside my mind, and that is true but, the people who are helping me are wanting to understand. I spent so much time resisting the help that I forgot that support/love/and care are the 3 most important ingredients in order to continue to move on. It’s like breaking your ankle; you take time to listen to the steps that are to come in the healing process, and the first step is to regain the structure. Once you build that structure, it’s safe to stand on. The next step that comes is strengthening that ankle to full recovery. It may not match the other ankle that didn’t break, but taking the time to keep working and fighting, it’ll come.
The healing process of a broken ankle is the same as the healing process of a mental disorder. There are different parts that work separately but come together in the end. For instance, a doctor puts the cast on the ankle that is injured and lays out a path of recovery. Same goes for depression; a psychologist/psychiatrist lays out tools to learn that will be useful in the future. The healing process looks so long and rigorous in the beginning but once you start, the steps start to fall into place. Once the cast comes off of the ankle the strengthening process begins. The PT specialist helps and trains you to gain strength into the ankle that is weaker; just like gaining strength inside your mind to move on each day in a positive way.

Even though I’m using scenarios that deal with a physical weakness and the other a mental weakness, it is still the same process. For your day and the next days to come, make the choice: to let your flower wilt or to grow stronger and gain insight on what you need to better yourself. Each and every one of us is special in our own ways, use those abilities to blow people away. Be confident inside and your confidence will radiate and shine through.

Thank you for reading!

I truly appreciate your support.



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