Blogging for YOUR benefit. Some strategies for surviving through the tough parts of your day. Remember, your disorder does not define you!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Beginners Guide: Positive Mindset Checklist

Picture Taken By: Amanda Hirsch, Sunsetting @ 8:15 pm
Hello Warriors!

I had a really rough night last night due to not being able to sleep; however, I came up with a lot of new ideas to write about. What I keep forgetting to put on my blog is this, a positive checklist you can go through everyday to make sure you're heading in a happy direction of your choice. I have ADD so I know that when I don't have a structured schedule throughout my day I feel as if I'm stuck in a rut. Since I didn't mention the recent choice of leaving my past full-time nanny job, I have been feeling left in the dark so to speak. I was talking to my psychologist and she mentioned the thought of not having a schedule due to no job. She gave me the idea of making a checklist every night before waking up the next day. I know some of you have very busy lives with work/school etc. but there is always room for a little something here and there.

Here is an example I created for you all:

  • When waking up, remind yourself of a positive affirmation you want to set for your day. (Ex: I AM fearless. I AM grateful. I AM love) 
  • Remind yourself that your body needs some sort of quiet time in a day of any activity. Take a quick break for yourself and your mind, you can take a look at the sky/ clouds or find a focal point and let your mind wander. This can also be a time for meditation and mental awareness if that's within your practice. 
  • Help others, even if you are feeling absolutely lousy, there is always enough time to hold a door for someone, help carrying heavy objects, or even giving a compliment to a stranger. Often doing something for someone else continues the acts of kindness, maybe they'll pass along the kindness to someone else? Also, it helps you as well. 
  • Love- Remind your mind, and body that you love yourself! You were blessed with a body and a beautiful soul. Make sure your body is aware that it is loved. Don't forget that going throughout your day, it is OKAY to show others that you come into contact with love as well. Little actions and words can honestly make someone smile and change their whole perspective about their day. 
  • Honor your body- Just like giving yourself love, make sure you remind your body that you care for it. Prepare healthy and nourishing meals throughout your day. Don't go through big parts of your day without filling your tank with something fulfilling. Keep your heart AND stomach full💖
  • Keep moving- Go out for a walk! Or if you don't have time for exercise, clean a little around your house/etc. Organize, and don't stop! In the end, your body and mind will thank you for using your energy towards something healthy. Whether it's breaking a sweat or working your mind, it feels good to work hard!
  • Lastly... Be open! Whether you've set high expectations in your day and you're feeling disappointed or angry about the outcome, tell yourself you did YOUR best today. Let go of the worry in your mind, and embrace the positive aspects that came in return. 
I love how this checklist incorporates everything in one's day that will help fill that spot in our heart and mind. It's important to know that even if the slightest negative thing happens, we can turn it around in an instant. I struggle with the fact that if I drop my coffee, slip and fall, or my card declines and I'm embarrassed, I always end with the big words THE WORLD IS ENDING in my head. They don't stop until I stand up and yell shut up. I struggle with a disorder that doesn't give me the ability to comprehend that some things don't go well in my days, and I need to move past it. I still struggle with the fact that this doesn't mean my life is over, or I need to sulk for the rest of the day, I tend to think life is supposed to be perfect, but mine isn't. I am no longer thinking in this way due to exercise, positive self talk, and meditation. I still fallback on my previous ways and it still is a never ending war, but typing this out for others to see and knowing I'm not alone is a really good feeling. 
No matter what obstacles you go through, remember to look at this checklist or a checklist of your own (it doesn't matter), just as long as it works for you. Incorporating these into your actions really gives a structure for your mind. It reminds you that you can do work and exercise as well as incorporating positive messages within every step of your day. 
Hold a door open for someone, buy someone in line behind you their order, tell the cashier lady that they are wonderful at their job, grab some food/jackets/hats/etc. and hand them out to people on the street near you. Any of these ideas pass along kindness, they create love, and we can never have enough love in this surrounding world of hate. Stand up for the girl in the neighborhood being bullied, help someone take their groceries to their car, or simply just smile at strangers passing by. There are so many actions we can all take, and if you are scared because you'll be the only one, don't worry... there are always people watching and silently thinking "I want to pass that along."

Be fearless, set goals, take action, and don't let anxiety bring you down.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Take The Reins

So sorry to post so late but I've been up thinking about some things that have been on my mind. For starters, I haven't been posting on here and my Facebook page as much as I want to. I want to help as many people as I can but the thing that has to come first is me. My mental health has been struggling a little bit these past few months. I had a job with kids I absolutely loved as if they were my own and I was belittled by the parents. I always felt like I had to watch my every move when I was around them and if I made one mistake it would not ever be accepted. Thinking about me as a person, I do not stand for being treated as if I were stupid, told I need to be perfect, or worse; that I cannot be myself. Therefore, in closing that statement, I do not have a job as a nanny anymore. To be honest, I'm so excited to finally take a breath. ongoing for 9 hours throughout the day is exhausting. I'm only 19 years only and they would expect so much from me that I actually had major anxiety about it at night that it disrupted my sleep. Everything I did was never good enough no matter how hard I tried, it felt as if I were in high school again and my teachers telling me I would never get anywhere in life. Well guess what?! I sure did get somewhere in my life, I'm focusing on me and how to better myself and those who are around me. So I do not need the hassle of having to please unpleasable people anymore, I have plenty on my mind already with 3 online college courses, horseback riding, and working out. I started running two laps around my neighborhood every night which is an average of 2 miles, I end with a round of jumps with my jump rope and make sure I stretch afterwards. It honestly has made me feel like an absolute rockstar, I pretend like I'm a ninja in the night since nobody can see me lol! It's honestly awesome for someone who has anxiety, nobody can see you, you're in the dark! My mom always tells me that it's bad for my lungs but to tell you the truth, it's so much easier and calming to take in the cold crisp air. I don't like feeling burning hot as well, it feels like I'm free. Knowing that I lost my job due to one mistake and taking complete blame for the mistake I've felt pretty crappy these past few days. I probably wouldn't have made it if it weren't for running. I used to not run because of my previous injuries from my car accident where a mother was driving her kids to school and t-boned my sister and I when she was supposed to yield to us. Never in my life did I picture having to deal with legal documents and lawyers etc. at this age but think again! I've never felt so terrible in my life, that happened two years ago and I still have horrendous neck and back pain that it takes over my days and creates barriers to the tasks I want to do but don't have the strength to carry on due to the pain. Running was one of those activities I had to drop. The running was terrible because of my body jumping up and down by putting pressure on the body basically jarring the neck and slamming the spine. The doctor said to take a break from activities that worsen the pain I already have. So I took a break for awhile, I've received physical therapy which made it worse, I've seen an orthopedic for body manipulation and trying to retrain the muscles to regular position. Now I am still in recovery and receiving massage therapy. The whole idea is to release the tension so that the muscles have a chance to move on their own and not feel trapped in the position my body turned when I got in the accident. It's true there really is muscle memory. Therefore, since the pain is starting to reside, just soreness, I've taken on running again and it's absorbing the anxiety I feel at the end of the day. My heart races an awful lot in my day even if I just sit and relax all day. It's hard to get things done to a beating heart in my head that keeps ringing in my ears. So running makes me feel good and also makes my heart race to the point where it is helping me and increasing my endurance. Anywho I'm excited because 2017 is already starting off with a bang. Word of advice, if someone or your boss is treating you like you know nothing and just because you may be lower than them, they have no right to talk to you like you mean nothing. Even if they are so high up above you, they were once in your shoes. Stand up for yourself and tell them how you feel, don't settle for less, you get what you deserve and that's that! You all are extraordinary in each and every aspect of life and don't forget that beautiful souls. Have a wonderful night and I will remember to blog more often! You'll hear from me again the coming week. Get some good rest and wake up tomorrow with a good and positive self intention for the day, start it off right with a good aura! Love you all.